Monday, February 1, 2010

Success tates better than funfetti cake!!!

I am thrilled... literally... grinning ear to ear right now! I have finally found some success to my torture! Let me tell you a little about the meal plan first, and then about the success!

Went to work like any ordinary day and had a Special K bar for breakfast. I actually really like these little 90 calorie bars. They come in delicious flavors... totally yummy. And they have the power to feed the hunger. I eat them with or for breakfast or as a snack before I work out or just in between meals when I am hungry. Today's was chocolate drizzle...

For lunch I had my left over pizza. I am glad to know that one slice of pizza is only about 180 calories (at least the kind I eat: Pineapple and olive). So I don't feel as bad for eating a couple slices. I had 3 slices for lunch and one slice later in the day to get me between meals. So in total I ate about 680 calories in pizza.

Tonight... I am not sure what I am having for dinner yet. More than likely it will be cereal. I have been eating a lot of mini wheats for the fiber. (THANKS SHAY). It seems to help a lot.

Tonight I had boot camp. Whew... I was not sure if I was in the mood today or not. But I went and I gave it everything I had. To start we had a contest. The very first day I had boot camp we had to do several tests to see where our fitness levels were. Today we repeated just one of the tests to see how much we had improved (there was a prize involved). We had to do as many push ups as we possibly could, until we really could not do another. They had to be full format and our chin had to go all the way down to our partners fist on the ground (not easy). Last time I was able to do only 20 and today I was able to do 26! I was so excited that I was able to do 6 more than last time. That means I am getting stronger and healthier! I won the coveted prize of a very nice gym bag... I actually needed one. YAY!

After a very difficult work out with Mike the Trainer (which involved me pulling or straining a muscle in my back). I decided to be brave and weigh myself. With anticipation and fear I stepped onto the scale and found out that I LOST 2.5 lbs!!! AWESOME!!! I am so excited! Today was a day of success in at the gym. And yes... it does taste better than funfetti cake! I hope that I can stay on track and continue to see good results!

Thanks again for reading!

Acts 20:24--However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.


Another day

Today's post will sum up the weekend entirely.

I am still overly exhausted and am hardly thinking clearly. I feel like there is a fog over my brain and I am on auto-pilot in the most basic of ways.

Saturday was my good friend Laurel's birthday party. It was wonderful to mingle with friends and meet some new people. Stephanie was an incredible hostess with delicious foods. This is my biggest weakness of all. If there is a party or a get together and other people are eating whatever, I have no desire to strive to eat the right things. Although Stephanie's food selection wasn't terrible (in fact it was absolutely delicious) for me... I did find myself ignoring the calorie intake. So I had a 1/2 of a giant cupcake... which is probably about the size of a regular cupcake, a cookie, and some baked chips with a broccoli and turkey croissant (not in that order... haha). I am not sure what the calories are on this, but it was a lot. Much more than I needed.

Today, I also had a craving for pizza, and for the first time in about 3 weeks I gave into that craving and ordered my favorite... olive and pineapple pizza. The problem is that I have been craving it for so long that I ate too much of it and it really wasn't as great as I was hoping it to be.

I feel like I have almost got myself trained to being OK with the healthier foods and the limited portions. But my mind still thinks I want the old stuff or need the old portions, and that is just not true. And consequently, afterwards I feel sick and gross for eating it. I am going to have to figure out a way to either cancel out those cravings or find ways to reduce them and find substitutes for them that give me the same satisfaction without the horrible consequences.

I am glad to still be learning these things.

I wanted to tell you about my dotfit program a little more. And now that I have my program running again this is how it breaks down.
I am expected to burn approx 2285 calories a day. This is based on my exercise level and my daily routines as far as naturally burned calories. In order for me to lose weight I cannot eat over 1364 calories per day. As of the last few days I have eaten around 1200 calories, which I think can still be cut down. This calorie difference will allow me to lose about .26 lbs per day I 5 days until my next check in, in which I will see if this is working for me.

Because I am still exhausted I am going to start another energy supplement and hope that it will help me get some energy. I am also reading Proverbs out of my Bible now, and I am hoping that it will help me to get rid of some of my stress that I am carrying as I seek God's wisdom. Combined I hope to have a new found energy and joy about things.

Thanks SO much for reading once again. I really am encouraged by you all! Please let me know how you're doing!

Philippians 4:4--Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
